Archive Mode. Call Visionary Award 2021 ended on 6/18/21, 11:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls


The Entry Deadline has now been extended through June 8th!  

***Please note: You will only have 20 minutes to enter all of your information. We recommend that you press the ’Submit Entry Details’ option every 10 or so minutes.  Each time you hit the ’submit’ button, you’ll get a new 20 minutes on the timeout.

In addition, we recommend 
writing all of your answers in a word document BEFORE clicking on the Add New Submission button. Then use copy and paste to plug your answers into their corresponding entry fields.  The questions are below.  You may log in and change your answers or attachments at any time before the contest deadline.***

  1. Please provide a brief description of your organization and the product/services you provide.
  2. Please provide a description and explanation of this new or improved product, in simple, practical terms. In other words, why should the judges choose this product as a Visionary finalist?
  3. What year was this product first introduced?
  4. How does this product differ from any prior and/or existing product that would currently be on the market with the same application and/or end user benefit? Is there anything about the product that can be considered unique?
  5. Is there an environmental and/or safety benefit that the product provides?
  6. What effects will the product have on the end user's business? Please list impact on areas such as lower material costs or labor savings, access to new product markets, improved customer service, etc...
  7. What is the price range for this product, service or product group? (In U.S. Dollars)
  8. Please provide us with a brief description of your entry, so we can use it in our promotional material for the 2021 Fair. (75 word limit)
  9. Type in your Name of Product as you would like it to appear in the showcase.
  10. Show contact Name and Phone number


The AWFS®Fair Visionary New Product Awards are special awards available to AWFS®Fair exhibitors that recognize outstanding achievements in distinct areas of expertise. These awards are presented at the Fair, and the recipients will gain favorable media coverage in post-show publications. Add to that the unlimited opportunities for self-promotion that winning a prestigious award offers, and it’s obvious that the potential benefits are well worth the effort of entering and competing for these awards.
The AWFS®Fair Visionary New Product Awards are prestigious awards recognizing exhibitors for innovation for new-to-market products, which includes any product that has been introduced to the industry since the 2019 AWFS®Fair (July, 2019).  All accepted exhibitor entries will have their product featured in the New Product Showcase for the duration of the show regardless of whether or not they are chosen as finalists. This showcase will be located in a high-traffic location of the West Hall of the Convention Center and in past shows, has proven to be one of the Fair’s most popular features.

In order to enter your new product in the AWFS®Fair Visionary New Product Awards please fill in the AWFS®Fair Visionary New Product Awards application on this site and be aware that you may enter your product for judging in more than one Main Category.  In addition, you will also be able to submit photos, brochures and other product information along with your answers to the New Product questions.

There is no charge for First Time Exhibitors to enter the First Time Exhibitor Showcase unless you want your product to be judged in the Visionary Awards.  If you do want the product to be judged, the New Product Awards Showcase entry form, found in the Exhibitor Marketing Manual  must be submitted, along with payment, and an online submission be made on this site for the Visionary Awards.  
Please note: When submitting your entry, for the Visionary Award, DO NOT select First Time Exhibitor as a Main Category but rather choose a category that you would like your product to be considered for.

If you simply want your product to be included in the First Time Exhibitors Showcase and not become an award contestant, you may submit your entry free of charge into the First Time Exhibitor Showcase, by selecting First Time Exhibitor under the Main Category Menu and answer any of the questions you may believe are applicable under the Visionary New Product Awards online application.  

There is no charge for The Industry 4.0 Showcase, unless you want your product to be judged in the Visionary Awards.  If you do want the product to be judged, the New Product Awards Showcase entry form, found in the Exhibitor Marketing Manual  must be submitted, along with payment, and an online submission be made on this site for the Visionary Awards.  Otherwise, please fill in your information under the Industry 4.0 Category, using the Sub-Category  "Showcase Only."   
Please note: When submitting your entry, for the Visionary Award, DO NOT select First Time Exhibitor as a Main Category but rather choose a category that you would like your product to be considered for. 

Any questions  concerning entries should be directed to Angela Hernandez at or at (800) 946-2937
            A booth designation as a New Product Finalist at the show
•            Be posted on, on Facebook, Instagram and on Twitter directly from the show
•            Included in a press release announcing the winners
•            Provided a press release template & logo with media list to promote the win
•            Entries must be received no later than June 8, 2021
•            Payment Form (PDF) must also be emailed to Angela Hernandez (, along with payment before New Product Award applications will be accepted.
•            Entries are to be hand delivered to the Las Vegas Convention Center by no later than July 20, 2021, (location TBD).  


•             Visionary Award winners will be announced at the AWFS®Fair, on the morning of Friday, July 22, 2021 at 9:00 am.